Zaki Center, M.A Jinnah Road, Karachi

15 June

Blue Light And Eye Health: Separating Fact From Fiction

In an age dominated by screens, concerns about the potential harm of blue light on our eyes have become increasingly prevalent. With many claims circulating about its effects, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction to understand how blue light truly impacts eye health.

While blue light from screens can contribute to digital eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns, it's important to approach the topic with a balanced perspective. While taking steps to reduce blue light exposure can be beneficial for eye comfort and overall well-being, there's no need to fearmonger or exaggerate its potential risks. By practicing good screen habits and incorporating strategies to minimize blue light exposure, we can enjoy the benefits of technology while safeguarding our eye health for the long term.

Nabeel Amir

As a health advocate, I'm dedicated to promoting eye care and digital wellness, particularly in understanding the impact of screen time on vision.

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